Apply for a LEARN Membership
- Membership of the LEARN Association is open only to institutions or organizations that are legal entities. Individuals are not eligible to become members of LEARN.
- The Board of Directors will confer membership only after the approval of the application. Any decision taken by the Board of Directors with regards to the conferring or non-conferring of the membership to an institution or organization is final and conclusive.
- All members of LEARN pay a flat annual membership fee depending on their membership category.
If you are interested in obtaining the Membership of LEARN, please fill the Application below as instructed in the form itself.
Our Members

Benefits for LEARN Members
DNS: ac.Ik domain name and Domain Name Server (DNS) hosting/managing
LEARN Zoom Premium Licenses at an extreme concession rate
Email: Mail relay between LEARN and outside
LEARN Technical Assistant Centre (TAC) services
International and Local Training Programmes/ Workshops
LEARN edulD (educational identity) to staff and students and access to services like 0365 Educational licenses
eduGain ( subscription via LIAF (LEARN Identity Access Federation) ( and access to many services at a concession rate.
- LEARN including LEARN VCon solution (aka, LEARN Zoom)
- other NRENs and service providers via eduGAIN
Dedicated Internet Connectivity with unlimited data at an extreme concession rate with many value-added services
LEARN Cloud Solutions (SAAS) at concessional rates
LEARN Network Management Solutions Services
Accessing SciVal data
LEARN e-certificate service
Membership Categories
Full Membership
Waived Off
- Higher Education institutes establish under the Universities Act No 16 of 1978 + UGC who agree with the objective of association
- List of Full Members
Associate Membership
LKR 300,000/year
- Institute for Higher learning established under the Universities Act No 1978, and research and development institutes coming under government ministries who agree with the objectives of the association.
- List of Associate Members
Affiliate Membership
LKR 300,000/year
- Any other research or education institutes or organisation who agrees with the objectives of the association
- List of Affiliate Membes