Identity Access Management Infrastructure as a Service
IaMI (Identity Access Management Infrastructure) includes shibboleth IDP, Open LDAP identity database and Eduroam radius for an institute to host their identity management at LEARN data center. It provides browser based interface to manage their identities. The back-end hardware, OS/hypervisor and software/tools managed by LEARN. A shibboleth IDP instance could also be provided for those who use MS Entra ID instead of LDAP.
To obtain Shibboleth IaMI as a Service,
- An institute must agree on the terms and conditions stated here, to officially nominate an Identity Manager or an Identity Administrative Officer
- Then to send official request to LEARN by providing following detail.
- Name of the institute:
- Domain name of the institute:
- Host names of the existing IDP/LDAP servers:
- Detail of the nominated Identity Manager or Identity Administrative officer
- Name:
- Designation:
- Mobile and WhatsApp Number:
- Email address: